Monday, April 14, 2014

Firefly Cosplay: Kaylee's Jumpsuit

I got the flight suit from a local army surplus store and I bought the patches from ebay (I referenced Maggie's Costume Site for pictures and links). I just used fabric glue to attach them due to lack of time, but I'll go back and sew them later. I used a seam ripper to take the sleeves off (which was more difficult than it sounds because the military makes things to last!) and used scissors to clean up the edges. I didn't re-sew the hem because I don't think Kaylee would have gone to the trouble to do so. Fortunately, since the flight suit was army surplus it was already a bit distressed, but it didn't have any of the engine grease smears that are characteristic of Kaylee. I actually put the suit on, dunked my hands in a mixture of black acrylic paint and water, and wiped my hands on my hips and legs where it felt natural. I also smeared some around my waist and knee as if I leaned up against or knelt in something greasy. I have the perfect shirt to complete the ensemble, but you have to wait a little longer for pictures of the whole thing ;)

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