Monday, April 21, 2014

Sat Lake Comic Con Fan Experience 2014!

The Alpha Geek and I had many great adventures at Comic Con this weekend that I will take the time to write about later, but here is a taste of the awesomeness:

 Yup, Nathan signed our official Malcolm Renold's prop replica gun!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Firefly Cosplay: Kaylee!

So my hair isn't done, but you get the idea ;) We will be taking better pictures tomorrow at Comic Con!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Firefly Cosplay: Kaylee's Jumpsuit

I got the flight suit from a local army surplus store and I bought the patches from ebay (I referenced Maggie's Costume Site for pictures and links). I just used fabric glue to attach them due to lack of time, but I'll go back and sew them later. I used a seam ripper to take the sleeves off (which was more difficult than it sounds because the military makes things to last!) and used scissors to clean up the edges. I didn't re-sew the hem because I don't think Kaylee would have gone to the trouble to do so. Fortunately, since the flight suit was army surplus it was already a bit distressed, but it didn't have any of the engine grease smears that are characteristic of Kaylee. I actually put the suit on, dunked my hands in a mixture of black acrylic paint and water, and wiped my hands on my hips and legs where it felt natural. I also smeared some around my waist and knee as if I leaned up against or knelt in something greasy. I have the perfect shirt to complete the ensemble, but you have to wait a little longer for pictures of the whole thing ;)

A Priest Stuns Wedding Guests With Unbelievable Performance Of "Hallelujah"

Just wow! I love how the guy smiles at the audience in between verses like, "What's the big deal?" Like a boss!

Friday, April 11, 2014

What happens when the janitor gives up trying to fix the drinking fountain...

Our poor facilities guy has tried fixing this drinking fountain multiple times but it keeps backing up. This was his solution:

I'm pretty sure I like it better this way :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Firefly Cosplay: Captain Reynolds is almost done!

Ta daa!!! I have a couple of final details to attend to before Comic Con next Thursday, but it is just about finished. I will be styling his hair a bit different, but overall I'd say he looks ready to misbehave ;)

Stay Shiny!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Firefly Cosplay: Malcolm Reynold's Boots continued

Hey there friends! 

Last week was a bit crazy, but I finally worked on Mal's boots a bit more and they are almost done! Last time I left off after lining the main body of the boot and we were about ready to sew...

Picture #1 below shows the top piece of the boot. In a perfect world it would have the pleather on both sides, but I am short on time so I just rolled the top hem. 

Picture #2 shows the boot cover after I sewed the top pieces to the body and the right and left sides of the body together. The color of the cover and shoe look a lot different than they do in real life because the pleather of the boot cover seems to reflect the light differently. I turned the flash off for the third image and it gives a better idea of what the two pieces actually look like together. 

Picture #3 you can see that I added a zipper on the inside of the calf like Mal's boots and so the Alpha Geek can actually get the things on! To attach the boot covers to the shoes I had the Alpha Geek actually put them on and then I pulled the front and back edges of the cover down and used fabric glue to secure them. Fabric glue dries pretty quickly so I just held the edges down while it dried. I then had him take the boots off carefully, applied more glue, and used pins to hold everything in place while it dried. The pleather fabric had a bit of stretch so I was able to get the cover to lay pretty nicely. I also added 2 more panels to the front of the shoe since the original Madden shoes used for the show had 5 panels and the ones we got from Ross only had 3. I rolled the curved edge and sewed by hand to get the same raised look of the other panels.

In Pictures #4-5 you can see the trim I added around the seam where the cover meets the shoe. This just covers up any glue that leaked and makes it look more finished. All I did was take about a 1.5 inch by 12 inch strip of the pleather, folded it on itself in thirds lengthwise, and sewed a straight line down the center. I glued the trim on and used pins again to hold it. I left everything to dry overnight and touched up a few places this morning. After work I'll have the Alpha Geek try them on and we'll see how they look with the full costume :)

Side note: In image #4 you can see the light shoelaces peaking out between the zipper. At this point the laces are accessible so the Alpha Geek will still be able to tighten them comfortably. 

*** So, what do you think? Any suggestions? I will try to get pictures 
of the full Mal costume and my Kaylee costume up soon! ***

Friday, April 4, 2014

Beautiful 'Frozen' Painting!

My sister is an amazingly talented artist and she is working on this painting:

Isn't it beautiful!!! I think it will be for sale as soon as it is finished, so let me know if you are interested. She is willing to do commissions as well :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's True! Nathan Fillion is coming to the Salt Lake Comic Con Fan Experience!!!!

Click on the picture below to see the press release confirming that my wildest dreams have come true! I posted a comment back when they announced Adam Baldwin was coming to see if they could try to get Nathan Fillion to come to Salt Lake and they actually did it!

The Alpha Geek and I are so excited and geeking out all over the place!!!! I hope Captain Reynolds enjoys our Mal and Kaylee cosplays :)

If you want to join Captain Hammer, the Alpha Geek, and I at The Salt Lake Comic Con Fan Experience it is at the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah on April 17-19, 2014. Fillion will only be there on Friday the 18th. You can buy tickets here. We got VIP tickets so we can get in the Express lines for celebrity guests and panels. VIP tickets are expected to sell out this week so buy them ASAP if you want them. Have fun and stay Shiny friends!

Not sure if serious, or just April Fools...

Soapbox time! I seriously cannot stand April Fool's Day! I enjoy a good prank as much as anyone else, but it seems like the internet takes the "holiday" as an excuse to be inordinately cruel. For example, the guys at Salt Lake Comic Con Fan Experience posted either the single greatest news I've ever heard or the meanest joke ever yesterday: 
Don't toy with my emotions like this!
Seriously, is there a statute of limitations for April Fool's Day? It is now April 2nd and the Fillion is still listed on the Master Guest list so I want to believe it is true, but there is no way to be sure without an official announcement. If I let myself get excited and it was all a prank it would cast a shadow on the whole convention. If it isn't a prank, then I am being denied my happy dance because I'm still not certain. Curse you April Fool's Day! 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Best April Fool Idea Ever! Google Maps Has Been Overrun by Pokemon!

If you don’t have an Android or an iPhone you need to make friends with someone who does so you can enjoy Google’s April Fool’s Day prank - turning Google Maps into a Pokemon game! If you have a smartphone, make sure you have Google Maps installed, open the app, and click on the search bar. You will see a Pokeball icon below the search bar - click on it to have some fun!

Just scroll around until you find another Pokemon and tap on them to catch them!

If you are too lazy to hunt for all 150 yourself you can check out the PokemonAprilFools Wiki. According to the Wiki you may also be able to capture Pokemon #151 after you catch the other 150. If you don't know which Pokemon that is you can hand in your geek badge at the nearest Pokemon Center. Have fun and go catch 'em all!